Buying cryptocurrencies: a fast, comfortable and easy task

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Speed, convenience and simplicity are essential elements considering the world in which we live. We are always in a hurry, and we need instantaneity in everything we do as much as possible. Our payments are also in that era, so we are into a constant debate: Speed or quality? We can choose both thing at the same time. Why not?

With the purchase of cryptocurrencies, it is possible. New models of asset management are already being used in large structures, such as the banks, and the mobility of money has become an essentially rise or fall of digits computed on computers. And what if this agility is already tangible, why not to digitalize money to make it faster and more portable?

3 necessary elements in economic transactions

We look for them in all the tasks we do throughout our lives. We are talking about the speed, comfort and simplicity, as three relevant ingredients in the cryptocurrency world. It has become one of the main reasons why many people and companies are investing in them, for many reasons: a productive need, seek to reduce spending or to be part of this technological wave.

We live in a society accustomed to speed, but also to the wait. Traditional financial systems based their transactions in the shipment or the receipt of a payment that does not occur instantly, that needs to be taken by the bank (middleman). This fact, when money was a physicist, had a great sense, since it was guarding and controlling copy fraud or counterfeit, but nowadays, do you believe that you we need someone to supervise our exchanges and copper us large amounts for it?

Therefore, we speak of a cryptocurrency system which is an effective and agile alternative for centralized banks, by assuming the roles of the speed, comfort and simplicity all three combined. Humans spend more time on a few things than thinking about money, so we need to ensure the highest quality of these processes, eliminate uncertainty and manage it in the most cost-effective and efficient way.

Are you putting a price on your financial advantages?

It is clear that everything in life has a price, and cryptocurrencies are also part of it. We measure them on the intrinsic value, not in the monetary, but it is illogical to still find a part of society that doubt about this simple, fast and convenient system. Why? What does comfort zone have that makes us to be so ease in it?

A feeling, a routine, an imposition, alleged security... The bet on virtual currencies requires get out of our comfort zone, in our traditional way of managing money. Life changes, and change is a challenge. Only to escape from there, the conformist room, we are able to visualize our mental barriers. Those fears hindering us.

Do you think that you have something to lose betting on what's new? Simply not. The great banking institutions monopolize all the traffic and channeled into its structure the entire process of monetary exchange. DAVIES does not change the banking basis and logic, it only manages the structure in a more effectively and more honesty way towards the consumer of the service, and it allows other companies to be part of an ecosystem of clean and fair credit.

Some people have already done so

It is difficult to determine the exact number of people who have bought cryptocurrencies. As CryptoNinjas indicates, 3 out of 4 people have heard about cryptocurrencies, but they are people from South Korea and Japan who are more advanced in cryptocurrency knowledge, with rates of 87% and 83% of people who know them. Another 4% plan to buy them. In the West, however, United States and United Kingdom stand out, with a 75% of their citizens. So, it seems that the world is changing.

Where do is the financial world going? And you? Have you heard about cryptocurrencies? And about the Internet of Value? Have you ever thought about buying cryptocurrencies? Why would you do it? Have you done it yet? What stops you? Do you have any questions about it?

We can help you to solve all your doubts without compromise and listen to your proposals. Today we are telling it to you, but tomorrow you can live it.